Thursday, August 16, 2007

Filthy, but FRESH!!

The Filthy Phonocators are going to have a live set this Saturday night!!

Description straight from the crew:

"Nomesky will be doing an hour long Wu-tang set so bring your Shaolin Swords ...Woof will be tearing up old skool breakbeats...Redd will have an eclectic mix as usual and we dare not say what MOR will do..."

Living Room Lounge, Brooklyn!

Take the R train into Brooklyn and get off at 25th St. Walk up to 5th avenue. You'll find it. Mapquest, anyone!?

They'll start around 10pm.

Click here to check out their website, and catch up on their radio shows from this past season!

Come down, have a drink and relax! We might be doing it together..
